Monday, May 25, 2020

Timber free essay sample

Timber Classifications (slides 3-16) Most regularly utilized kinds of timber (slide 17) Brief depiction, pictures employments of most commonlyused timber in Sri Lanka ( 19-26) Timber Classifications Supper Luxury Class Teak Ebony Nedun Calamander Tectona grandis Diospyros ebenum Pericopsis mooniana Diospyros quaesita Timber Classifications Luxury Class Satin Halmilla Milla Mahogany (limited leaves) Mahogany (expansive leaved) Jak Chloroxylon swietenia Berrya cordifolia Vitex pinnata Swietenia microphyla Swetenia Macrophylla Artocarpus heterophyllus Timber Classifications Special Class Upper Gammalu Hulanhik Pterocarpus marsapium Chukrasia velutina Margosa Suriyamara, Wewarana Kolon Velang Palu Azadirachta indica Albizia odoratissima Alseodaphane semecarpifolia Adina cardifolia Pterospermum canescens Manickara hexandra Timber Classifications Special Class Tamarind (Hard Wood), Kumbuk Tamarindus indica Terminalia arjuna Eucalyptus microcorys Timber Classifications Class 1 Tawwanna Uva Mandora Munamal Ubberiya Eucalyptus Pilularis Eucalyptus Pilularis, Aceasia Melanoxylon Palacuium rubiginosum Hopea cordifolia Mimusops elengi Carallia calycina Eucalyptus Pilularis Eucalyptus Pilularis, Aceasia Melanoxylon Page 1 Timber Classifications Class 1 Hora Kirihambiliya Dipterocarpus zeylanicus Palaquium grande Page2 Urukanu or Uruhonda Mandora Pihimbiya Ginikulu Lasianthera apicalis Vertica chinensis Filicium decipiens Diospyros oocarpa Halamba Del Liyan Mitragyna parvifolia Artocarpus nobills Homalium zeylanicum Timber Classifications Class 1 Panakka Neralu Madan Pleurostylia opposita Elaeodendron Glausum Syzygium Cumini Page3 Koon Na Pathkela Keeriya Paramara Hedawaka Schleichera eleosa Mesua ferrea Bridelia Mooni/Acacialeucophloea Samamea saman Chaetocarpus castanocarpus Treated Grandis Eucalyptus grandis Timber Classifications Class 2 Alubo Dawata Dawul-Kurundu Godapara Halmandora Panamora Wa Wellpenna Toona Syzygium Makul Carallia brachiata Neolitssa cassia Dillenia retusa Vatica offinis Doona oblonga Cassia siamea Amisophyllea cinnamocides Cedrella toona Page1 Timber Classifications Class 2 Mihiriya Damba Karaw Panu-Dan Rathatiya Thimbiri Dorana Na-Imbul Gonapana Cordonia zeylanica Syzygium gardneri Prosouus indicus Syzyjium spp Palaquium thwaitsii Diospyros embryopteria Diptejacarpus glandulosus Harpullia arborsa Garcinia spicata Page2 Timber Classifications Class 2 Kosganna Kiripedda Talang Eucalyptus Grandis Cypress Ethdemata Ginisapu Ehela Kirikoon Dunumandala Boron Treated Sawn Rubberwood, Ficus altissima Palaquium grande Listea gardneri Eucalyptus Grandis Cupresus macrocarpa/Gmelina arborea Michelia champaca Cassia fistula Walsura piscidia/stevosperm tetragonnm Hevea braciliensis Page3 Timber Classifications Class 2 Alastonia (Havari Nuga) Boron Treated Sawn Pinus Eucalyptus Robusta (Red Gum) Blue Gum, Alstonia macrophylla Pinus spp Eucalyptus Robusta (Red Gum) Eucalyptus globulus Page 4 Comporta Redness Coconut Thiththeta. We will compose a custom article test on Timber or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page All Doona and shorea spp:except doona congestiflora All calophyllum spp: species other than calaphyllum bracteatum Aporesa cardiosperma Trichadenia zeylanica All Doona and shorea spp:except doona congestiflora All calophyllum spp: species other than calaphyllum bracteatum Timber Classifications Class 3 Aridda Malaboda Diyathaliya Pinus Lunumedella Kalu-Sudu Thalambu Atamba Bulu Kahata Mangifera zeylanica Terminalia belerica Careya arbovea Compnosperma zeylanica Myristica dactylosdes Mastixia tetrandra Pinus spp: Melia dulia Page 1 Timber Classifications Class 3 Rubber Rata-amba (Mango) Ratadel Godakaduru Gokalu Sabbukku(Gravilliya) Accacia Decaran Strychuos nuxvomica Garcinia morella Gravillea robusta Accacia Decaran Page 2 Hevea braciliensis Mangifera indica Athdemata Godakirilla Gmelina arborea Holoptelea integrifolia Timber Classifications Class 3 Mara Kataboda Goraka Tammarin(Sapwood) Bakme Kakuna Casurina(Kasa Kasa) Page 3 Albizzia molucana Cullenia ceylonica Garcinia cambogia Tamarindus indica Nauclea orientalis Canarium zeylanicum Casuarina equisetifolia Beth-hik Davu. Lannea coromandelica Anogeissus latifolia Most regularly utilized sorts of Timber Kumbuk/Arjun/White mardah  » Burutha (Satin wood)  » Nedun  » Mara  » Halmilla/Trincomalee wood/Petwood  » Teak ( Sri Lankan)  » Calamander  » Jak (D. quaesita) (Artocarpus heterophylum) (Terminalia Arjuna) (Chloroxylon swetenia DC. ) (Pericopsis Mooniana) (Albizia Odoratissima) (Berrya cordifolia ) Description of tree Kumbuk/Arjun/White mardah-(Terminalia Arjuna) The tree yields a thick timber which in current occasions is being utilized for furniture, flooring and decking (both open air/indoor), overwhelming and light development and in the past railroad sleepers and pontoon building. Kumbuk is the most grand lovely of every other tree and its timber is one of the most alluring on the planet Description of tree Burutha (Satin wood)- (Chloroxylon swetenia DC. ) The Satinwood or Burutha is an enormous tree developing upto 30 m. The tree has a naturally grayish green appearance and fluffy crown. The wood is hard and overwhelming and when finished has a glistening, smooth, nectar shaded grain. It is prized for making furniture and furthermore for building purposes. Portrayal of tree Nedun-(Pericopsis Mooniana) Is found on the western coast, from the southwestern area to the Sabaragamuwa Province, including the slope nation. Chocolate earthy colored in shading with striking grain, this wood has a brilliant finish and shading that develops with age. Portrayal of tree Mara - (Albizia labbek) Is an uncommon and significant tree discovered circumscribing backwoods territories. This tree creates a long straight bole and when cleaned takes on a gold brilliance. Portrayal of tree Halmilla/Trincomalee wood/Petwood-(Berrya cordifolia ) This is found in the marsh dry zone encompassing the focal mountains. It has a tanish shading, is anything but difficult to work, and takes on a decent cleaned look. The wood was additionally utilized for arrack barrels as it is strong and fits bowing. Portrayal of tree Teak (Tectona grandis) Teak is a nearby grained hardwood. This makes it conceivable to cut joints precisely and makes it reasonable for cutting as the nearby grain implies it very well may be cut to incorporate extraordinary detail. It is one of the hardest, most grounded and generally sturdy of every single regular wood. Impervious to decaying and with the impacts of sweltering sun, downpour, ice or day off, it generally appropriate for outside. Portrayal of tree Calamander (D. quaesita) Calamander wood or Coromandel wood is a significant wood from India, Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and South East Asia. It is of a hazel-earthy colored shading, with dark stripes (or the other route about), extremely overwhelming and hard. It is otherwise called Macassar Ebony or variegated coal black and is firmly identified with veritable dark, yet is acquired from various species in similar sort; one of these is Diospyros quaesita Thwaites, from Sri Lanka. The name Calamander originates from the neighborhood sinhalese name, kalu-medhiriya, which implies dim chamber; alluding to the trademark midnight dark wood. It is utilized in furniture, Luthiery and for form. Portrayal of tree Jak (Artocarpus heterophylum) The brilliant yellow-hued timber with great grains is utilized for building furniture and house development . Jackfruit wood is broadly utilized in the assembling of furniture, entryways and windows, and in rooftop development. The heartwood is utilized by Buddhist backwoods monastics in Southeast Asia as a color, giving the robes of the priests in those customs their unmistakable light-earthy colored shading.

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