Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Relationship with Writing. Essay - 1029 Words

My Relationship With Writing Like most people, writing has made an impact on my life. I didn’t notice it right away, but once I did it changed my life forever. I consider myself to be a fairly decent writer and I would say it was the only thing that kept me going. I love writing that involves thinking and real emotion. Writing journals and letters have helped me get through a lot in my life and that is really something I will never forget. For the most part, I like to write. I surprise myself sometimes when I read what I have written. Essays don’t seem to be that hard for me and most of the time comes naturally to write. Ever since I was younger, reading and writing were always my strong points in school. Math and science didn’t stand†¦show more content†¦Some times it would be a free write where we could write anything on our mind. Most of the time I just wrote on what I had done and how I was feeling that day. Other times, he would write down a quote on the board and we would interpret what we thought it meant. This is where I realized that writing can really have an impact on peoples lives. Things can be interpreted in so many ways and by sharing our thoughts on the quotes, I noticed that not everyone was the same. With my experience in a sophomore English class, this really helped me realize that this is a passion for me. In the beginning of the year, I really dreaded it because I thought I couldn’t write a full page in 10 minutes. By the end of the year, I couldn’t wait to get to English class to write down how I was feeling or interpret a quote that was chosen. I guess you could say that my favorite type of writing would have to be in journal format. I have enjoyed essay writing and letters just as much though. Since the day one of my best friends left for basic training for the military, I have written him a whole bunch of letters. I enjoyed doing this because not only was it the only way to communicate with h im, but it was somewhere I could write down my feelings. Having the opportunity to let things off my chest by writing has probably changed my life. I don’t say that lightly because there have been instances where I felt like I was hopeless and having the chance toShow MoreRelatedMy Relationship With Academic Writing791 Words   |  4 PagesWriting was something my high school stressed a lot. The main focus however was quantity over quality. We were given one essay every month to write in class for each of our classes. They made us write all of these essays in an effort to make us better writers, but never gave back any feedback. I picked up one skill with this and that was how to put words on a page and finish the assignment. 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